How to easily make cafe style matcha latte in three steps

How to easily make cafe style matcha latte in three steps

If you are a cafe new to matcha, the matcha latte is an easy and delicious place to start that will resonate with your customers. Here’s an easy three step matcha latte recipe that won't take up your barista’s time and is sure to delight both tea and coffee lovers alike.

Step 1 

Make a matcha shot by whisking 1 teaspoon of matcha into 2 oz of room temperature water. For a more detailed description of how to make a matcha shot, check out our recent blog on "Making a Matcha Shot." The matcha shot is the baseline to making a matcha latte along with a litany of other matcha drinks.

Step 2

Add sweetener if requested. Some plant based milks like almond milk are already sweet, so this may not be necessary. That said, some customers may want to add additional sweetener like honey or cane sugar. 

Step 3

Add your matcha shot into the milk of your customers' choice. Oat milk makes the latte creamy and is my favorite, but traditional milk is also very popular. Offering a wide variety is often best!

If you are making an iced matcha latte, make sure the milk is cold and is perhaps chilling in a glass full of ice cubes. If the customer wants a hot matcha latte pour your matcha into a mug first and add the milk second. This is the same process as making a traditional latte and gives your barista room to be creative with latte art.

That’s it!

Play around with your cafe's specific recipe when it comes to matcha to milk ratios. Make sure to be open to making substitutes to milk and sweetener choices to satisfy all of your patrons. Enjoy!